Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I finally managed to crawl to the doctor today . But was super piss at it. Once again, I had to wait like 1 hrs b4 i could see her. Wat make it worse that thru out the waiting session, There was this irriting kids running around. I just dun understand .. Y when 1 family member is sick , the parent had to like bring a group out to see the doc?? For example, This 8 yrs boy was sick , the mum had to bring the daddy, maid, grandmother and the younger bro which is like abt 3 yrs old. It a bit stupid right ?? The kid was screaming and the maid just sit down there move her mouth telling the kid to behave. I had to stared at her hardly and start to scream at her b4 she move her butt off the chair and bring the kid out. I could not tolerate kid that are noisy and wat worse is a lazy maid .

Tmorrow is my company chatlet. Nobody able to cook some fried noodles. so i offer to do it. But wat piss me off is that NOBODY BELIEVE I COULD COOK?? Wah lau , I cook hor .. some even think it my maid who do it for me.. Helo, do i look like i have maid?? They think i m a tai tai, so i prob won't do all this work .. HELLO, I M A QUEEN BUT I DO AND HAD TO COOK AND DO MY OWN LAUNDRY ......................... The reli Queen is my mummy ..........


Blogger Vincent said...

hmmm i never try ur cooking b4. can invite me to ur house? heheh

10:06 PM  
Blogger Royal said...

yes, one of these days i will cook for u lah ...

11:58 AM  

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