Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I found this handmade Valentine day care during my spring cleaning this year .... It been with me like for 5 to 6 yrs ?? I can't rememebr the date and year liao but it b4 my ns time .. that make it like 10 yrs ??? I m 28 yrs old now and i enter NS when i was 18 yrs old ......
The card was make when we celebrating our 1st V day together ... I can't remember wat we do liao .... prob a movie and dinner.. We were poor at that time ...... .. But i believe that we were happy ....

I broke up with him during that time i m in NS ... There lots of rumor going around ... My freind caught him with another guy .. We didn't even communication at all ... I just decided to break up .. Cause i couldn't have someone who cant commit at that point of time ....... We didn't talk to each other since then ........

3 yrs back, i heard from a friend that he passed away. He was drown while swimming at sentosa. I attented his funeral .... ....... We are still friend after all ... Wat funi was, he actually stay a street across me .... yet, we never met up b4 !!!!!!

I never had a chance to thank him ... ...............

There always a special place for u in my heart !!! I shall never forget the times we ahd together ... The fight that we had over all small little things ..... I m glad that u are there for me when i needed u most !!!! I m sorry if i ever hurt u in anyway .... Hope u are happy with your new place ......... take care


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