Saturday, February 22, 2014

Another wedding to go

My BFF wedding n how could I miss it ? Here I m , maid of honor again n doing all the crap all over again . It was fun fun fun!!! Love it . The food was amazing . I m hungry while I m typing now . 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Don't get sick

Can't get sick in Singapore . $50 for 3 packets of medicine with bad service from the nurse . This is holy crap . 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

First wedding of the year

It been a while I attended wedding . Guess wat ? This is only the first for this month n I had another 2 to go over the next 2 weeks . Unbelievable . Despite having a bad tummy upset , I still make my way there . I just love Malay wedding . The food , dessert n music is super awesome . 


Saturday, February 01, 2014

Bugis street

  17岁的莲本是马来西亚一个富家女仆,天真无邪。然而无忧无虑的生活很快便被打了个粉碎,莲被送到了紧挨着新加坡的Bugis街上的一家小酒店做工。在这条住满了人妖的街上,莲从各人的生存打拼中开始慢慢懂得了生活的含义。17岁的莲本是马来西亚一个富家女仆,天真无邪。然而无忧无虑的生活很快便被打了个粉碎,莲被送到了紧挨着新加坡的Bugis街上的一家小酒店做工。在这条住满了人妖的街上,莲从各人的生存打拼中开始慢慢懂得了生活的含义。本片透过一个天真无邪的十六岁女孩的眼睛去看这个光怪陆离悲与欢的地方。她未曾见过世面,纯情且天真,为着生活,只好到一间破落的酒店做下人,给她遇上各式各样的人, 其中不乏美男女..... 妖街皇后的电影图片 ······



