Thursday, November 30, 2006


Ok, we finally arrived at this Aloha resort after a nong nong journy. Guess wat, U can't on the air con for more than 7 hrs and got to pay gas and electricity bill if u exceed certain unit. Wat worse is all the ugly little ants and the blood sucker vampire that fly around... The place look eerie to me too. The bedroom suck like nobody biz. I so freaking regreat coming liao.
Miss K , Miss M and i choose a room and then settle in .. After that, it all hell of hard work. I m in charge of the food. I was busy in the kitchen washing, chopping and cooking. Finally at 5pm. I m done with all my cooking... Our hands are so super itching .. We decided to have a round of mahjong session. Gosh, I reli lost touch of it. It took me a few round b4 i start to pick up. But it was hell of fun ....
BBQ start at 630pm. Miss K helped to set up the fire while i went for a good bath. By then, ppl start to flowing in and i was still hook on the mahjong after my bath... Can't reli remember tha time that i had my first bite of food. But i do enjoy the red wine with the delicious prawn. Gosh, It was lovely.
Everyone enjoy themselves last nite. I can't reli remember wat time i start to knock off but i m sure i didn't have a good sleep.We were still talking till like quite late in the dawn... I will post up the pics soon. Me super tired now .. going to Bonk soon ..........

OPENING .......

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I finally managed to crawl to the doctor today . But was super piss at it. Once again, I had to wait like 1 hrs b4 i could see her. Wat make it worse that thru out the waiting session, There was this irriting kids running around. I just dun understand .. Y when 1 family member is sick , the parent had to like bring a group out to see the doc?? For example, This 8 yrs boy was sick , the mum had to bring the daddy, maid, grandmother and the younger bro which is like abt 3 yrs old. It a bit stupid right ?? The kid was screaming and the maid just sit down there move her mouth telling the kid to behave. I had to stared at her hardly and start to scream at her b4 she move her butt off the chair and bring the kid out. I could not tolerate kid that are noisy and wat worse is a lazy maid .

Tmorrow is my company chatlet. Nobody able to cook some fried noodles. so i offer to do it. But wat piss me off is that NOBODY BELIEVE I COULD COOK?? Wah lau , I cook hor .. some even think it my maid who do it for me.. Helo, do i look like i have maid?? They think i m a tai tai, so i prob won't do all this work .. HELLO, I M A QUEEN BUT I DO AND HAD TO COOK AND DO MY OWN LAUNDRY ......................... The reli Queen is my mummy ..........

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


OMG .. I have used like 10 pkts of tissue today due to my running tap water nose. I reli need to fine time to crawl to my doctor. I need to get well b4 my compnay chatlet (yes, again) and birthday celebration . I just hate it when i m having flu ... My whole body will be aching and not to mention my nose. My nose is so super red now .. Gosh ... kill me pls ......... Someone pls chop off my nose ..........

Monday, November 27, 2006


It a less stressful day. Me was stuck in Wisma the whole day and i m glad to able to shop after my work with "Dyy". Wat i add on to my fully loaded cupboard .... 2 sweater .. 1 Mickey mouse tee , 1 cap , Mickey mouse tissue holder and a Daisy sofe toy. Of course, when come to shopping, i have no complaint at all.
I m still sick. Having a bad sora throat and a bloddy tap water nose. It be leaking since sat till now. I didn't have the time to visit the doctor. All i wish for is to get well by my birthday.I need to enjoy myself loh ..... I m counting down now.. and yes.. can't wait to be on leave from the 1st of dec to the 4th of dec ..YAHOO ..........

MY DESIGN .......

U see, I been trying to work out a collection of accessory. This group is inspired by Hollywood east meet west style. I just love the red and gold combo. In fact, I do still have more but alreday sold off b4 i could take pics for them. Anyone who are interested on the above design, get back to me ya. thank u so much.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

GO.. MUMBLE .....

Set deep in Antarctica, into the land of Emperor Penguins, where each needs a heart song to attract a soul mate, a penguin who cannot sing is born. Our hero Mumble, son of Memphis and Norma Jean, is the worst singer in the world, however, it so happens, he is a brilliant tap dancer!

It one of the best cartoon i ever catch. It was heart warming. I almost shed a tear for it. sometime when u are special, ppl just can't see it and just want to make u the odd one out of their group. Mumble stand by himself and believe that he is special .That wat we all should do ... U go MUMBLE ......


Well, i was " forced" to work in one of the sub urban shopping mall over the weekend. It been some time i been inside the store liao and was surprised to see some trendy items in store for winter. But wat happened thru out the days, make me laugh my ass off ...............

12:00 pm : This fat uncle came in ..... He tried the above jacket and joke to his wife that he could wear it for wedding dinner ..( Come on, u dun need a padded jacket loh.)

1:30PM : Chao ah beng came in ..... Tried on the jacket ... Mention to the gf that make him look fat.. Anyway, he ugly too .. I dun care .......

2:00pm : Hdb uncle came in to tried the jacket. A ugly poser loh .. keep looking at the mirror and think he is very handsome .... guess wat ?? He was wearing a freaking ugly boxer to shop loh .... Damn ..............

Ok, Scarf was one of the must try on items in store too .. U know wat i mean .. All this kids like no chance to go travelling one .. all seem to be so excited abt scarf .. Keep on playing with it .. then laugh non stop abt it ... Wat i mean ?? Wat so funny abt scarf ??? Next time when u travel during winter .. dun bring scarf lah .. see who laugh at u ???

Last but no least .. This women fur trim jacket was the hot items over the weekend .... U won't bear to see all the Hdb tai tai raping her over and over again ..... All the ugly poser loh ... they like never see fur b4 loh .. so excited abt it.. try on.. laugh loud then ask stupid question loh. Like " Drama or not " " too over " or " can keep me warm " ?? HELLO, U are not buying a dead animal skin to wrap yrself up loh .... This tiny mini fur keep u warm where ?? It suppose to be a trendy items to make the jacket special .. How dumb ?? *roll eyes* sometime, i just wonder m i being bimbo or they are ???

Friday, November 24, 2006


I was at Raffles city for work. Happened to bump into my friend J. J told me that his brother ... I mean real brother want to date me .. I was like " HUH " .. U serious ??? Well, I can't even remember how his brother look like .. The last time i saw him was like 5 ..6 ..7 ...or like 10 yrs ago.. J said his brother saw me at my work place b4 ... OOps ..... Told him that we shall c how and i have my "Dyy" . He said just a date to go out and nothink else .. well, that quite true ..

It been raining the whole day. i m like freezing at Raffles city loh. And not to mention i m super hungry too. Didn't eat the whole day... Gosh, I m like a superman running from places to places today. Was to meet " Dyy " for dinner later too ... Meet him abt 7pm for dinner.. I told him abt the date ......

ME : I got a date today ...
DYY : HUH , Who that ???
ME : My friend brother ...
ME : Ya, Just a date ... nothink else ...
DYY : How old the brother ??
ME : 19 yrs old.
DYY : How old yr friend ??
ME : 26 yrs old ....
DYY : It like a baby bring a baby out ..
ME : * KABOOM* .................... (PUNCH LEFT AND RIGHT)

oK, 19 YRS OLD IS A BIT YOUNG FOR ME. I never never go on date with someone that young b4. Coming to think, not that bad lah .. I dun have a younger brother b4 loh... Well, we will only come out if my friend J is around.

Watever it is, we decided to go Billy Bombers at Marina square for dinner. Yes, we are or i mean i m such a hungry gohst. We order so much food and i didn't even know their portion is that big . Gosh, i m so super full now ..........

That my food. It Surf and turf. Consist of fish and steak with chuck of french fries ........ and not to mention my fav drink .. Pink pussy cat. Wat a name ....

This is the Usa party platter.... love the baked potato skin. I got to finish it all up cause it got bacon inside ......

Ok, dun get scare by it. It "Dyy" food. it the Seafood platter. I "force" him to order cause i want to eat the calamari. *EVIL..EVIL* .

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Hide & Seek is an exhibition in celebration of Hello Kitty's 30th anniversary in the Asia Pacific region The exhibition features Hello Kitty memorabilia as well as contemporary artworks by 70 international artists and designers in the form of fashion, music, and motion graphics. Based on a game of 100 questions and answers, the exhibition invites the audience to seek out their own "Kitty" memories through an ongoing game with of "Hide and Seek" with Hello Kitty and her friends. Throughout this playfully nostalgic quest of questions and answers, you just may discover your own childhood memories hidden along the way.
FROM : 24/11/06 TO 02/12/06
TICKETS : $16.50

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


It always good to reward myself some food after a hard work. I was at Parkway Parade today for work. Since morning, i had plan to eat this yummy delicious mee rebus that was sold at the basement food court. I been craving for it and how often do i come to Parkway?? Gosh, I m straving ............

Yes, In less than 10 mins ... I finish my Mee rebus . I m so full now ... In order to end it, I had a big bowl of ice kachang ........... Goodness, I can't move my ass off the chair now ....

Marine Parade brought back a lot of memories for me. I stay with my Ex for quite some time there at Amber road. I caught my Ex Ex red handed with a slut there. It a place to go when i skip school. I got stalk there b4 ... and there a lot more .. I can't remember all now ........

It a extreme tiring day for me. My ankle hurt .. Was knock by a bicycle that day. How suay can i be ?? Damn ..... I need a good rest ...


Ok, This braclet from Tiffany ......
I love Paul frank , Anythink from them will be fine.
I need a hug book shelves to put all my comic and story book.

Yes, a hugh Diamond ring ....

A trip to Bali .........
Any Samsung Ultra phone series . Thank u

Ok, This pump watch in white but i want the one with all the tiny little crystal on it one ..........
A trip to Hong kong during the winter time. I dun mind to wait .......

I want this red cupboard from Ikea ......

Ok, This lovely necklace from Tiffany and company ......

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I HATE IT ........

When ppl stood me up ...

Make me wait ........

Waste my time .............

Always change their mind last mins .......

Think i have the whole world of time to wait for them ........

Take advantage of me ..........

Monday, November 20, 2006


We had a quarrel today. I dun know wat wrong .. Mayb i m just been to cranky. We exchange a few sms . He mention prob he had expected too much from me and prob the age generation had start to show up in our problems. Prob i had try to hard to be the person he want me to be. The change is there .. mayb i had expect a lot more from him. I always mention that it not easy to mantain a relationship. in the end, i reliased that i m not i anymore.. :(


Sunday, November 19, 2006


" DYY " and i went to sun plaza for a movie today.We went to catch Casino Royale. But wat happened after the movie make me piss off. He went to the toilet and notice that there was this shame guy standing beside him pissing and sneak a peep at his C#$k . After he came out from the toilet, we went to the basement and he found out that the guy was following him. WTF .. I m just beside him wow .. Never mind, We decided to go home so we went to take the bus. At the bus stop, He saw the guy waiting across us and then he mention the whole story to me. Wat piss me off is, the shameless guy actually wiat there and only get his fucking butt off when we boarded the bus home. OMG .. How shameless this cock sucker can be ?? KEEP YR EYES AND HANDS OFF.. HE IS MINE...


Saturday, November 18, 2006


OK .. I m not trying to talk abt the competition here. I m talking abt this freaking neighbour that i had. Today, i m trying to rest at home while waiting for " Dyy " to knock off from work. From the bloody hell 12pm onwards, she been listening to thoso chao ah beng disco song and then was a karacock session . HELLO, I m trying to get a rest and prob a peaceful afternoon nap ..and i had to gone thru this shit. If she sing well, I m fine with it. By all means, sing till u drop. Her was horrible ... Like she had been sucking too many C%$K and it was a nightmare for me... Finally, the C%$K session ended in the evening. OMG ... That gone my saturday .......

Sexiest Man Alive

Friday, November 17, 2006


Someone mention to my Boss that i m not serious in my course that day. She mention that i fall asleep in her class and i m not serious thru out the less . She mention that i crack jokes during her lesson. OMG ............ Have she see wat i did for the company?? Didn't she reliase that her lesson is so freaking boring ?? Wat she said is so drama . I did shut my eyes for a while but not wat she said .. i fall asleep. Then thoso idiots crack jokes is fine .... Dumbo .... Just shut up .. who cares abt yr lesson ??? Dun make it like it so great loh ... Life suck so are u ..


Thursday, November 16, 2006



Sher beautiful, This is for u ..



Just dun understand these ppl, like to act smart. Worse, they think they know a lot and worse. Wat worse was, bark like a dog. At times, i can't help to piti them. Beging a fool in front of everyone but still want to act smart. OMG , y didn't god try to help them ?? Mayb they are more evil .. Life suck so are they.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Princess fisa and King richard.

Miss K offer to be the slave for the day to service the king.

Princess Fisa with one of her present. Prob Idayu will get jealouse. We both love poka dots ......

That Miss Y doing the Royal post with the royal family .

King richard with his present. Does the duck look like him??


Met up withMiss M, Miss K, Miss Y , Miss J , Princess fisa and King Richard for dinner at riverside indonesian restaurant at Clarke Quay. The food was ok .. but we were very full after the 4 dishes. It been a long time since we had a gathering and the groups seem to have become smaller. But we do have new members adding into our group.
Went for my course today. I m so freaking tired that i almost fall asleep in the lesson.Mind u, it was raining heavily outside and the aircon was cold enough to knock me off to the bed. I m getting more and more tired... i need a rest badly and not to mention a good beauty sleep..
Finally , I m meeting 'Dyy' tomolo ... yes, i can't wait liao ... .. wat should i wear tomolo??



Mr Tk .. this is for u. I m sorry that i m unable to be by yourside when u are down .. U can always cunt on me when u need a ear to listening to yr problems. I m here.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

3SOME .......

Dun get the wrong idea. I have meet up my 2 friends for dinner tonite.This is the first time we meet up together for dinner after knowing each other for like a thousand years ... Well, it not that long .. I know Mr S for like 2 yrs and Mr l for 6 yrs. We met up at Marina square and went to Xin wong for dinner. I was so hungry till i forgot to snap pics. We eat like tons and tons of food. I m still feeling so full now. After that, we wanted to catch a movie. We were all late for the 7 plus show and we decided to walk around Marina square... We apart there at abt 9pm.
I m down with a terrible headache on my way home.. must be all the freaking stress i have at work now .. It not easy to travel form one place to another. My back and leg been aching since day 1 i started this job. It suck ... This week, i m fully book from day to nite ... I didn't even get to meet up with "Dyy" now .. somehow, cant fit into my slot...
ARRaaghhhhhhhhhhh ......... already pop in 4 panadol and this freaking headache still haven't go away .... it suck . I b on course tomolo.. going to bed now ....... SIGH ......

Monday, November 13, 2006


Ok .. As i mention .. My birthday coming .... Dun worry .. me not getting u all to buy the whole collection of LV for me. Just want to share with u all wat i like at the moment. This group of collection are very cute.Love the wallet and the round coin purse. The drawing of the boy remind me of the bell boy in hotel.

Love this new collection too. Expect for the Bucket Pm and Danube. More like my mama style. But i m sure it be crazy to buy all for this collection ... the col kind of boring but it the most functionable in the whole LV collection.

Of course, this gold is the "it" col at the moment. I prob have to get a Casio gold watch to match it as to balance up the chic and glam look . I have a gold pair of track shoes to match as well. I would perfer the speedy loh ... This too granny for me liao. but if it big enough, i dun mind as i alreday have a monogramy speedy alreday. It suck, i brought the wrong size for that and it still on my shelves as i use it once only ..... I LOVE THIS GOLD BAG ......